October 21 2023, Beit HaMashiach Announcements


# Announcement Details/Script
1 Welcome Shabbat Shalom and welcome to the Beit HaMashiach community announcements. Thank you for joining us in person and online. If you are new here, we’d love you to introduce yourself to any of our leaders.
2 Mayim Chayim We invite you to attend our 2pm Mayim Chayim service today, in person only.


3 ZulaRoo Here are the photos of the house we are buying in Apollo Bay to host Israel backpackers. We have taken out a loan, but need to pay it back as quickly as possible, so please consider giving to this vital ministry, at celebratemessiah.com.au/donate and select ‘ZulaRoo’, or by cash using the envelopes labelled ‘ZulaRoo’ on the back table and putting them in the offering box.
4 Change of nights for Prayer meetings Zoom prayer meetings for Israel are continuing this coming week, but on different nights than previously. Now Monday, Wednesday and Friday, still at 8pm and still with the same Zoom details. And for updates on the work our partners in Israel are doing to help those affected by the war, or to donate, please go to celebratemessiah.com.au/war
5 United with Israel gathering 11am tomorrow We encourage you to stand with Israel by attending United With Israel’s ‘Bring them home now’ gathering at Caulfield Park, at 11am tomorrow. Please take a flyer from the foyer table for more details.
6 Beanies for IDF IDF soldiers are needing beanies to keep their heads warm. If you would like to knit one or more, please take a flyer with instructions from the foyer table.


7 Caring for our Community Happy birthday tomorrow to Joshua Toma and to twins Nethma &Teenu, Monday to Denise, Wednesday to Bruce and Friday to Kevin. Happy 36th wedding anniversary Monday to Peter & Adrienne, and happy 16th wedding anniversary Friday to Tony & Vanessa! And happy birthday or wedding anniversary to anyone else celebrating this week.
8 Offering Finally, thank you for your ongoing support of Beit HaMashiach. We invite you to give your tithes and offerings through the BH website, or in person using the QR posters or the offering box at the back of the Sanctuary during the next song. Shabbat Shalom and Shavua Tov.