Chavurah groups, that is fellowship groups, will be recommencing in February. The purpose of Chavurah groups is to worship together, care and pray for each other, study the Bible together......
We encourage you to be praying for each other, for Jews to receive Yeshua as their Messiah, and for the leaders and activities of our Beit HaMashiach and Celebrate Messiah......
We are looking for more volunteers to assist Felicity Lorenz with the Shalom Youth program. Shalom Youth meets fortnightly during the main service from 11 AM, or after the Children’s......
Our Shalom Programs for children and youth after the Children’s Blessing on Shabbats, recommence on 4th of February: Shalom Creche weekly for children 2 years old up to just before......
We would like to recommend to you the ‘Meet the saints in Israel’ Melbourne seminar, which is being sponsored by our dear friend Pat Ramsay, on Saturday the 4th of......
Also, there is a family of 3 adults, 2 children and a dog, coming to Melbourne from Russia needing rental accommodation. If any of you have suitable accommodation for rent,......
Uri, who leads a Russian Speaking Meetup Club, and who ran the Ukraine fundraiser we hosted here last year, has invited us to an Australia Day event he and his......
Registration opened this past Wednesday at celebratemessiah. for the 2 new Messianic Training Centre courses, by Zoom – ‘Beginners Biblical Hebrew’ commencing Monday night the 30th of January, and......
We would love as many of you as possible to have a turn at presenting the announcements. Johnatan can record you at the BH facility, usually Wednesdays around 6pm. You......