May 20, 2023 Announcements
20 May 2023 Beit HaMashiach Announcements
# | Announcement | Details/Script |
1 | Welcome | Shabbat Shalom and welcome to the Beit HaMashiach community announcements. Thank you for joining us, whether in person or watching online. If you need any information or have prayer requests, please contact us at or call 9572 5792. And if you’re visiting with us, please speak to any of our pastoral care team who are wearing a name lanyard, and they will give you a voucher for a free barista coffee. Here are the announcements for this week, and more detailed information is at You’re also welcome to take photos of the slides being shown on the screen. |
2 | Mayim Chayim service | Our weekly Mayim Chayim (Living Waters) service is at 2pm today, here in our Caulfield Messianic Centre only. We encourage you all to come, even if you don’t usually, as we have a guest speaker, Joseph from International Mission for Jewish People, sharing about Jewish evangelism! |
3 | Shavuot service | Next Shabbat 27th May, our 10:30am Shabbat Family service will be a celebration of the Feast of Shavuot or Pentecost. We will be welcoming in some new Shomrim HaBrit – Keepers of the Covenant, or Members. And all of you who have been setting aside an Omer Offering can bring it to give, or you can give online into the Beit HaMashiach account, making sure to specify ‘Omer Offering’. Lawrence and Louise will take the money in June to ministries in Israel which are sharing about Yeshua and helping the poor. We are also having a ‘bring and share’ lunch together afterwards. Please bring a savoury dish, and remember no pork or shellfish. You may also like to bring a cheese or dairy dessert, as dairy foods are traditional during Shavuot. The Mayim Chayim service will be at 2pm as usual, and those who usually attend only that service are also welcome to the 10: 30am service and the lunch. |
4 | Period of Prayer & Fasting for Israel | We would like to remind you of the global 21 days of prayer and fasting for Israel which is going for one more week, finishing next Sunday 28th May – see for more details. Of course you’re welcome to keep praying and fasting for Israel beyond that date! You are also welcome to join any of our prayer meetings listed in the flyer on the foyer table, especially the one at 6am Thursdays – the Zoom details are posted each Wednesday night in the BH Prayer WhatsApp group, or can be requested by emailing our connect address. |
5 | Chagall Exhibition | Our beautiful Tribes of Israel prints on our foyer wall are by a Russian-French-Jewish artist named Marc Chagall who lived from 1897 to 1985, so you may like to attend the Chagall exhibition at the Jewish Museum of Australia in St Kilda, from the 9th of June to the 10th of December. Interestingly, the first large-scale exhibition in the Jewish Museum was named ‘Chagall and the Bible’. For more details and to book tickets, please go to |
6 | Caring for our Community | Happy birthday Thursday to Karen Bastidas and Friday to Mary Dissanayake. Happy wedding anniversary Wednesday to Rasanga and Anusha. And happy birthday and wedding anniversary to anyone else celebrating this week. |
7 | Offering | Thank you for your ongoing support of Beit HaMashiach. We invite you to give your tithes and offerings through the BH website, or in person using the QR posters or the offering box at the back of the Sanctuary during the next song. Shabbat Shalom and Shavua Tov. |