April 13, 2024 Announcements
April 13 2024, Beit HaMashiach Announcements
# | Announcement | Details/Script |
1 | Welcome | Shabbat Shalom and welcome to the Beit HaMashiach community announcements. Thank you for joining us in person and online. If you are new here, please introduce yourself to any of the leaders, who will give you a voucher for a free coffee after the service. |
2 | Art Group, Prayer meetings & Chavurah groups | We would like to remind you that our resident artist, Donald Kenner, leads an Art Group here in our Caulfield Messianic Centre every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm. People of all ages and artistic abilites are welcome, and feel free to invite your friends. We also have various weekly prayer meetings, in person and on Zoom, and Chavurah — meaning fellowship groups — in person here and in people’s homes, and by Zoom. For more details about all these groups, please take a flyer from the foyer table. Also, the ‘Pray For Israel’ Zoom prayer meetings which have been 8pm every Thursday, are changing this Tuesday 16th of April, to 8pm every Tuesday. |
3 | Tikkun Olam packing & delivering for Passover | Tikkun Olam packing and delivering of food hampers for Passover is this Thursday in our Caulfield Messianic Centre from 10am. For more details or if you are available to help, please contact Barry – 0425 826 938 or barry@celebratemessiah.com.au |
4 | Never Again Is Now rally | After the Holocaust, the phrase ‘Never Again’ was used to describe the international commitment to not let the atrocities resulting from anti-Semitism ever happen again. Yet sadly today we see anti- Semitism rising. So Christians have started a ‘Never Again Is Now’ movement, with rallies encouraging people of all races and beliefs to join together in standing against anti-Semitism. The Melbourne rally is on Sunday the 19th of May, from 1:30pm to 4pm. We’ll have a rally in Brisbane on the 9th of June. To stay up-to-date with details, please go to neveragainisnow.com.au |
5 | Caring for our Community | Happy birthday today to Cristhiana, Monday to Lydia who turns 13 and Lewyn who turns 14, Tuesday to Craig Richter, Wednesday to Helen Healey, Thursday to Soudi, and Friday to Dawn who is Louise’s mother. Happy 56th wedding anniversary to Margaret and Wayne Lee, for whom we’ve been praying as they recover from recent operations. And happy birthday or wedding anniversary to anyone else celebrating this week. |
6 | Offering | Finally, thank you for your ongoing support of Beit HaMashiach. We invite you to give your tithes and offerings at beithamashiach.com, or in person using the QR posters or the offering box at the back of the Sanctuary during the next song. There are also envelopes there if you would like to contribute towards our ZulaRoo Surf House. Shabbat Shalom and Shavua Tov. |