March 30 2024, Beit HaMashiach Announcements

# Announcement Details/Script
1 Welcome Shabbat Shalom and welcome to the Beit HaMashiach community announcements. Thank you for joining us in person and online. If you are new here, we’d love you to introduce yourself to any of our leaders. A special welcome to Stefanie who is visiting us from Celebrate Messiah New Zealand.
2 Mayim Chayim will not resume For those of you who were not here in person last Shabbat, we announced after the service that the 2pm Mayim Chayim service will not be resuming, as its leaders will be moving to Queensland at the start of June. We will miss them from being here, but they will still continue to work for Celebrate Messiah.
3 Bring-and-share lunch next Shabbat to celebrate Danielle Isaac and Angella’s daughter Danielle will soon be turning 12, so next Shabbat our service will include a time of prayer, dedication and blessing for her, and we’ll have a lunch afterwards to celebrate Danielle’s life. Please bring a plate of finger food to share, and remember no pork or shellfish please.
4 Free ‘Transforming Prayer’ Zoom webinar 8pm Wednesday 10th April We would like to remind you of the free 90-minute Zoom webinar on ‘Transforming Prayer’ that we’re running from 8pm Wednesday 10th of April. Its emphasis will be on fostering a deeper communion with the Lord, resulting in more effective prayer. Please register to obtain the Zoom details: Register for the “Transforming Prayer” Webinar
5 Passover If you haven’t already reserved your seat for our Passover Seder on Wednesday 24th of April, from 6pm to 9:30pm at St Kilda Town Hall, please do so as soon as possible, at
6 Register for Term 2 MTC courses.
Past courses available online, or USBs from the Resources Room.
Celebrate Messiah’s Messianic Training Centre is offering a new course in Term 2 – ‘The Seven Feasts of the Lord: Historical Context and Prophetic Meaning’. It will be taught via Zoom by Paul Cohen, every Thursday night for 8 weeks from 2nd of May to 20th of June.

Also on offer are Part 2 of Eleanor’s Intermediate Biblical Hebrew course, every Monday night for 10 weeks from 29th of April to 1st of July, and Part 2 of Sharon’s Beginners Biblical Hebrew course, every Tuesday night for 10 weeks from 30th of April to 2nd of July.

For more details and to register, please go to

Recordings of past courses are available to purchase there also, or on USBs from the Resources Room.

7 Caring for our Community Happy birthday today to Helen Devaraj, Donald and Rasanga, Wednesday to Glyce who turns 60, and Friday to Christian who turns 14. And happy birthday or wedding anniversary to anyone else celebrating this week.
8 Offering Finally, thank you for your ongoing support of Beit HaMashiach. We invite you to give your tithes and offerings at Or if you would like to contribute towards our ZulaRoo Surf House, please go to
Shabbat Shalom and Shavua Tov.