July 29, 2023 Announcements
29 July 2023, Beit HaMashiach Announcements
# | Announcement | Details/Script |
1 | Welcome | Shabbat Shalom and welcome to the Beit HaMashiach community announcements. Thank you for joining us, whether in person or watching online. If you need any information or have prayer requests, please contact us at connect@beithamashiach.com or call 9572 5792. And if you’re visiting with us, please speak to any of our pastoral care team wearing name lanyards, who will give you a voucher for a free barista coffee. Here are the announcements for this week, and more detailed information is at beithamashiach.com You’re also welcome to take photos of the slides being shown on the screen. |
2 | Karen Kirsten here with her book “Irena’s Gift” | Last Shabbat, Louise mentioned a book titled “Irena’s Gift”, written by Karen Kirsten, and we are excited to have Karen here in person today. We’ll hear from her soon, and she has copies of her book which you’ll be able to buy after the service, or you can buy it online at the link on the screen. Karen is the daughter of the late Joan Kirsten, who was a Jewish believer, a member of our community, a Celebrate Messiah board member for many years, and a child holocaust survivor. Karen has just finished the book which is her family story. |
3 | Please bring food for Shabbat morning teas | It’s wonderful when we chat together over morning tea, after our 10:30am Shabbat service each week, so we encourage you to bring a plate of finger food to share. |
4 | Mayim Chayim service | Our 2pm Mayim Chayim (Living Waters) service resumes today, in person only. We encourage you to come to worship God and to pray for salvation for your loved ones and for Jewish people. And today Noah and Karen will share from the recent Chosen People Ministries conference in Israel, some Scriptures which were discussed, and some testimonies of what God is doing amongst Jewish people around the world. |
5 | Art class | Our Art class is now every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm here at Hamerkaz. Both men and women are welcome, and we encourage you to invite your friends. It’s free but donations for buying materials are welcome. |
6 | Fiddler on the Roof | A theatre production of the Jewish musical ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ will be performed at the Alex Theatre in St Kilda from this Wednesday 2nd of August through to Sunday 13th of August. For more information and to buy tickets, go to the link on the screen, or use the QR code on the flyers on the foyer table. |
7 | Caring for our Community | Mazel Tov to Phillip and Sharon who are grandparents again, and to their son Tamir and his wife Devorah on the birth of Erez on 9th of July. He was in ICU for a while, but praise God he is well and home now. We hope Rina is enjoying being his big sister. And congratulations to John and Glyce who are first-time grandparents, and to their son Jordan and his wife Emily on the birth of Elara this past Tuesday. Happy birthday Tuesday to Ezra Eyelama who turns 6, and happy fourth wedding anniversary Thursday to Touraj and Bonnie. And happy birthday and wedding anniversary to anyone else celebrating this week. |
8 | Offering | Finally, thank you for your ongoing support of Beit HaMashiach. We invite you to give your tithes and offerings through the BH website, or in person using the QR posters or the offering box at the back of the Sanctuary during the next song. Shabbat Shalom and Shavua Tov. |