B'Yachad Young Adults will be hosting a 'Friendsgiving' dinner for their Chavurah group. It will be an American-style Thanksgiving dinner, as an opportunity to express thankfulness to God.
Our men's Chavurah, overseen by Peter Sloan, occurs fortnightly on Wednesday nights at Beit HaMashiach. Those interested in joining this Chavurah may enquire below.
Our Zoom Chavurah is for Beit HaMashiach members who would like to meet via Zoom.
Our Hampton Park Chavurah is for Beit HaMashiach members who live around Hampton Park. This Chavurah is overseen by Emmanuel, Lynn and Lael. We meet on a fortnightly basis on...
The meeting aims to seek the heart of God to pray for our congregation and other needs as we are led by the Holy Spirit.
Join us for our Shabbat services every week at 10:30am. We have a joyful messianic celebration of Shabbat involving the whole family, with singing, dancing and a message from the Word of God.
If you are 18 to 35 years old, please join our young adults ministry (B'Yachad) out to lunch following every Shabbat service.
This service will be open-ended times of worship, time to seek the Lord and draw closer to Him, to practice hearing from Him and in general times of refreshing. There will be times of sharing from the word and praying corporately and for others, as the Lord leads.
B'Yachad Young Adults will host a one-day Prayer Retreat on Sunday, November 28, at Chestnut Hill Conference Lodge in the Dandenong Ranges. All young adults from ages 18 to 35 years old are welcome to attend.