June 8, 2024, Beit HaMashiach Announcements

# Announcement Details/Script
1 Welcome Shabbat Shalom and welcome to the Beit HaMashiach community announcements. If you’re new to our website, please introduce yourself to our leaders at connect@beithamashiach.com and we invite you to attend our services if you live in Melbourne – 10:30am every Saturday at 206 Bambra Road, Caulfield South. Or join us online at beithamashiach.com (in the ‘Watch Our Livestream” section).
2 Omer offering total Thank you to those who contributed to the Omer offering, which totaled $15,500.21. We were able to give this to a few ministries in Israel which care for Holocaust survivors.
3 Guest speaker for Simcha Our Messianic National Conference called ‘Simcha’ is from 29th Nov to 1st Dec, at Belgrave Heights Convention Centre. Registration will soon be open. Our guest speaker is Shmuel Aweida, an Arab-Israeli pastor from Israel, and most of his congregation are Jewish. We won’t bring out the SOLU worship band this year, but God-willing we’ll bring them out next year.
4 Paul Cohen speaking next Shabbat 29th June Rabbi Lawrence and Louise are leaving for Argentina tomorrow, to attend meetings for Chosen People Global Ministries country directors. They arrive back on 4th July, so next Shabbat 29th June we have Paul Cohen speaking, who is a Celebrate Messiah outreach worker, and a lecturer at our Messianic Training Centre./td>
5 Caring for our Community Happy birthday today to Nicole Bishop and Simon Fraser, tomorrow to Anju and Roland, Tuesday to Ian, Norman and Nathan who turns 16, Wednesday to Annie Momo and Netaniel who turns 5, and Friday to Jerri. And happy birthday or wedding anniversary to anyone else celebrating this week.
6 Offering Finally, thank you for your ongoing support of Beit HaMashiach. We invite you to give your tithes and offerings at beithamashiach.com/donate And if you would like to contribute towards our ZulaRoo Surf House, you can do that at celebratemessiah.com.au/zularoo.