Beit HaMashiach Announcements 4th January 2025






Shabbat Shalom and welcome to the Beit HaMashiach community announcements. If you’re new to our website, please introduce yourself to our leaders at and we invite you to attend our services if you live in Melbourne – 10:30am every Saturday at 206 Bambra Road, Caulfield South. Or join us online at (in the ‘Watch Our Livestream” section).


BH Art Group art works on display

Our Art Group is taking a break and will resume at 1pm on Tuesday 21st of January. In the mean-time, Donald has displayed some of the group members’ artwork from last year, at the back of the Dining Hall near the Creche room and near the urn, and also near the Parents & Babies room. Please take a look, and please consider joining them this year.


Registration now open for Term 1 2025 MTC courses

Registration is now open for our Term 1 2025 Messianic Training Centre courses which will run live on Zoom and commence in late January. They are also recorded, so if you can’t attend some sessions you can watch them afterwards.

* Messiah in the Torah – the Five Books of Moses, taught by Paul Cohen on Thursday nights from 30th of January

* Beginner Biblical Hebrew, taught by Eleanor Miles on Monday nights from 3rd of February

* Intermediate Biblical Hebrew, taught by Sharon Dingjan on Tuesday nights from 28th of January.
For more information and to enrol, please go to

Also available at the same place are past courses which can be purchased as online modules or on a USB flash drive.


Meet the Saints in Israel seminar 1st Feb

Pat Ramsay, founder of the organisation Shalom Israel, is running a seminar here called ‘Meet the saints in Israel’, on Saturday 1st of February, from 2pm to 5pm. Tony and Kathy Stewart will share about their work with Mount Moriah Trust, and we’ll have a video from Yair Pinto from TBN Israel. The event is free, but you must register at


Caring for our community

Happy birthday tomorrow to Talitha who turns 11 and Thursday to Zahra who used to be called Salota, and to Pamela. Thursday is also Pam and Norman’s 32rd wedding anniversary, so congratulations to them and of course we’re continuing to believe for a healing miracle for Norm. Happy birthday and wedding anniversary to all others celebrating this week.



Finally, thank you for your ongoing support of Beit HaMashiach. We invite you to give your tithes and offerings at 

And if you would like to contribute towards our ZulaRoo Surf House, you can do that at