April 27, 2024, Beit HaMashiach Announcements

# Announcement Details/Script
1 Welcome Shabbat Shalom and welcome to the Beit HaMashiach community announcements. Thank you for joining us in person and online. If you are new here, please introduce yourself to any of the leaders, who will give you a voucher for a free coffee after the service.
2 Thank you to everyone who helped with our Passover Seder We had a wonderful Passover Seder on Wednesday night, including several Jewish people and Israeli backpackers attending. A big thank you to Rabbi Lawrence and Louise for all the work they did to make this such a success, and to all the other staff and volunteers who helped too.
3 Counting of the Omer Today is Day 4 of the ‘Counting of the Omer’ – see Leviticus 23 and last week’s announcement. So we encourage you to continue setting aside some money each day from this past Tuesday night 23rd of April until Tuesday 11th June, then bring the offering to our Shavuot service on Saturday 15th of June, or donate online into the Beit HaMashiach account, making sure to specify ‘Omer Offering’. The money will be sent to Israel to various ministries who are helping the poor and sharing the good news of Yeshua.
4 Term 2 MTC courses start this coming week
It is your last chance to register for Term 2 Zoom courses at Celebrate Messiah’s Messianic Training Centre which commence this coming week. We particularly encourage you to enrol in Paul Cohen’s new course, ‘The Seven Feasts of the Lord’, commencing this Thursday night 2nd of May. Eleanor’s Intermediate Biblical Hebrew course resumes this Monday night, and my Beginner’s Biblical Hebrew course resumes this Tuesday night. For more details and to enrol, go to celebratemessiah.com.au/mtc
5 Caring for our Community Happy birthday Monday to Zach who is turning 9, Tuesday to Joben who is turning 11, Wednesday to Fay and Janet, and Thursday to Helen Frazer. Happy 15th wedding anniversary tomorrow to Rob & Evelyn, and happy 4th wedding anniversary to David & Karen this Friday. And happy birthday or wedding anniversary to anyone else celebrating this week.
6 Offering Finally, thank you for your ongoing support of Beit HaMashiach. We invite you to give your tithes and offerings at beithamashiach.com